Land Rover Defender 110
Station Wagon

The classic Land Rover Defender 110 Station is a true blast from the past! This car is like a time machine on wheels, taking you back to the good old days when cars were built to last. We've kept this car as original as possible, only painting the wheels to match the rest of the car, because why mess with perfection?

This is a perfect station wagon with 7 seats, making it ideal for transporting the whole gang or for solo rides if you're feeling extra cool. And let me tell you, this car is even more capable than its smaller brothers, the Defender 90. It's like the older, wiser, and more experienced sibling in the family.

With its rugged construction and off-road capabilities, this car is perfect for exploring the great outdoors, whether you're on a camping trip or a commercial shoot. It's like having your own personal sherpa to guide you through the wild.

The Defender 110 Station is a true classic and a symbol of British engineering, it has a timeless design and will always be a sought-after car by collectors, enthusiasts or people looking for a reliable and rugged vehicle that will take you on a trip down memory lane. So hop in, strap on, and let's hit the road with this vintage machine!
